Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

What is the most common evergreen tree in Washington state? Both east and west of the Cascades, the landscape of Washington state is dominated by evergreen trees, mainly conifers, or cone-bearing trees. The Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) is the most widespread of all conifers in the area, common on both sides of the mountains, in dry conditions as well as wet.

Are there pine trees in the Pacific Northwest? In the Pacific Northwest west of the Cascades, there are five native pine species, a few of which can also be found at fairly high elevations east of the Cascades summit.

What are the pine trees in Seattle? Native conifer species found in Seattle include Douglas-fir, grand fir (Abies grandis), Pacific yew (Taxus brevifolia), shore pine (Pinus contorta), western hemlock, western red cedar and western white pine (Pinus monticola).

What are the evergreens in Washington? 

Spruce (Picea genus)
  • Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii)
  • Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)
  • False-hemlock (Pseudotsuga genus)
  • Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii)
  • Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)
  • Mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana)
  • Pacific Silver fir (Abies amabilis)
  • Subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa)

What is the most common tree in Washington?

Western Hemlock – Did you know that this is the State Tree of Washington? See, you’re learning things already! This tree features short, flat needles that have rounded tips.

What is the most common tree in the Pacific Northwest?

Our friendly guide to tree spotting will help you discover the 10 most common trees of the Pacific Northwest.
  • Big Leaf Maple. This tree truly lives up to its name with huge leaves up to a foot wide.
  • Douglas Fir.
  • Hemlock.
  • Western Red Cedar.
  • Sitka Spruce.
  • Alder.
  • Cottonwood.
  • Ash.

Why are there so many evergreen trees in Washington?

The forests of the Pacific Northwest contain more evergreens than almost anywhere in the United States. Evergreen trees are special because they do not lose their needles during the fall. Washington’s forests are home to about 25 native tree species.

Why is Washington called the Evergreen State?

Washington was nicknamed “The Evergreen State” by C.T. Conover, pioneer Seattle realtor and historian, for its abundant evergreen forests. The nickname has never been officially adopted.

How many evergreen trees are there in Washington State?

The approximately 25 evergreen species that grow in Washington state each have preferred growing conditions though some, such as the Douglas fir and Western red cedar, grow in all regions.

Why is the Western Hemlock Washington state tree?

Official State Tree of Washington

State Representative George Adams of Mason County pleaded with the Legislature to adopt the western hemlock. The hemlock, he said, would become “the backbone of this state’s forest industry.” Adams’ bill passed the Legislature and was signed into law in 1947.”

Is a western hemlock a pine tree?

The western hemlock is a member of the Pinaceae or pine family. It is native to southern Alaska and down to the west coast of California. They are also found in the Rocky Mountains of southeastern British Columbia, northern Idaho, and southwestern Montana. This tree prefers coastal and mid-mountain forests.

How do I identify a western hemlock?

It has a rather narrow crown and conspicuously drooping new growth at the top of the tree. It has mostly down-sweeping branches and delicate feathery foliage. Needles are nearly flat, glossy, and soft; yellow to dark green on the upper surface and whitish underneath.

Is western hemlock poisonous?

It is very toxic and sheep, cattle, swine, horses, and other domestic animals are poisoned by eating small amounts of green or dried plant. It is also extremely poisonous to humans. Poison-hemlock is sometimes confused with western water hemlock, a more deadly species, because the names are similar.

What happens if you smoke hemlock?

Several articles recommend burning hemlock after pulling, but the smoke may contain toxins that could cause severe illness and even death. Be sure to wear appropriate gloves, as contact dermatitis is possible.

Is wild carrot poisonous?

Toxicity. The root looks very much like a domesticated carrot. You must use extra caution when working around wild carrot as it looks very similar to poison hemlock, a deadly plant. It also exhibits mild toxicity to livestock.

Can you burn hemlock in a woodstove?

With a decent BTU rating and the option to use hemlock as both a campfire wood or inside your wood stove, adding some of the firewood to your wood rack is not a waste of time.

Which wood should you not burn?

Pine, fir, and spruce: cone-bearing trees make for a beautiful sight in the forest, but their wood shouldn’t make up the bulk of your firewood pile, especially for indoor fires. Beneath their bark, conifers have a sticky, protective substance called pitch or resin that you won’t find in trees like oak or maple.

What wood is toxic burning?

Poisonous Wood

Burning poison oak, poison ivy, poison sumac and poisonwood creates smoke with irritant oils that can cause severe breathing problems and eye irritation.

What is the best firewood?

Hardwoods such as maple, oak, ash, birch, and most fruit trees are the best burning woods that will give you a hotter and longer burn time. These woods have the least pitch and sap and are generally cleaner to handle.

What is the hottest burning firewood?

White oak is at the top of the list of oak trees for heat output. Most oak trees put off a ton of heat when they burn, but the white oak is at the top of the list with an astounding 30.7 million BTUs of heat per cord of wood.

Can wood be too old to burn?

As long as firewood is left to sit in the right conditions and free from moisture it won’t go bad for many years. Once firewood has been seasoned for the right amount of time it should be stored off the ground, under a form of cover and open to the atmosphere to ensure that it doesn’t rot.


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